Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The New Piece

"Sympton 1". I have no comments to make other than I love it! A big thank you also to Jana for having made this one possible.

2007 - A Year In Review

Despite the loss of a major client, I can say with certainty that the year was a good one: No less than eight additional new clients, full fledged equipment, hardware and software upgrades and a jump of net profits of 29% from the previous year. As well as the previledge of being pampered with the loyalty of my old clients some of which I have been shooting for since 2002!

December also left just about enough time to catch up on getting some personal work produced which shall be fit for the walls of galleries and a published book...preferrably in the near future. But more about that later.

I'm looking foward to the challenges 2008 will have to offer and wish everyone around me nothing but the best!